So, I ‘fell’ into supporting Dentists and their IT when a good friend from my childhood set up his own Dental Services company and asked me for some help with the IT element of it. And so, I joined Igloo Healthcare (then called OneSG).
He was helping support Portman Healthcare and my role was to help them with all things IT. It was just 4 practices at the time so was thankfully a slow enough immersion to learn the fundamentals properly.
In reality all IT is the same, an X-Ray machine is nothing more than a really posh, really expensive Digital Camera or Scanner. Just includes radiation.
With time Portman Healthcare continued to grow, as did Igloo, and we secured clients far and wide, from the ‘up north’ in York and Harrogate to the home of Dentistry with clients in both Harley and Wimpole Street. We even secured clients across the water in Northern and Southern Ireland.
In my 10+ years working with Igloo, I made many strong connections with the Dental Industries leading providers, people from the likes of SOE (Exact) and Kodak (R4) as well as many across all the different X-Ray software providers – some I class as friends and some have even made it onto my Facebook.
With their continued growth, the inevitable happened and Portman (now called Portman Dental Care) took their IT support in house to their own team – many of who I know and still enjoy working with occasionally .
I still support Portman, being on call to attend their practices should an emergency arise, but I also have my own clients to look after.
I love the Dentistry field, I think that Dentists are complex characters but are similiar to me in that they are very personable AND most of them love their tech.
I have the privilege of still working in Dentistry and work with some great clients, mainly across the South Wales Area, but some as far afield as the Midlands.
I support both NHS and Private Dentistry and I am passionate about “the circle of blame” – It is a simple concept to understand. As a company ThreeSixty IT will manage any issues you have with the PMS (Practice Management system) or X-Ray system to its successful conclusion with whoever your service provider is. This means that a) you won’t get caught in this circle and b) the provider knows they are talking to the right person to resolve the problem straight away.